Storytelling - Dangerous Journey to Jungianos

Comic book style illustration
Illustration Studio - Erki Schotter

Comic book style illustration
Illustration Studio - Erki Schotter

Keenan and Kiki set out on another dangerous mission to uncover the ancient secrets of the Ikarus stones. Their journey brought them to the faraway planet of Jungianos, where a revered shrine rested atop a lofty mountain. The legends spoke of a primitive tribe inhabiting the area, who worshipped the stone with mystical powers beyond imagination. With the stakes at an all-time high, Keenan and Kiki knew they must tread carefully. Their adversaries were hot on their trail, intent on snatching the precious stone. They knew the importance of being the first to reach the stone, and so they crept closer, trying to avoid detection. The secrets of the stone were far too valuable to fall into the wrong hands, and Keenan and Kiki were determined to safeguard them at all costs.

At our studio located in Tallinn, Estonia, we specialize in visual storytelling for various mediums, such as games, comics, and more. We are committed to producing top-notch artwork that brings your ideas to life. Whether you require a skilled illustrator for your upcoming project, we've got you covered. Our broad range of services caters to diverse needs, and we collaborate with our clients to produce custom illustrations that match their creative vision. Reach out to us today to discuss your project, and discover how we can elevate your ideas to the next level.

February 20, 2023